Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Week 9 (WL)

There is no way I could do this work without the Lord's comfort and strength he gives us, and from all the Prayers that are said for the Missionaries. I'm so glad to be here, I say that all the time because of how much of an Honor it truly is that I feel to be able to be part of this work. Among the Ranks of my friends, And Family =D And it's good to always remember that as often as I can. All I want is to be able to help others feel the saving power that the Gospel will bring them. To be their friend and let them know that everything will be alright in the end, keep moving forward. It's not easy, nor should it be, but it's worth it. It's worth everything to come down to earth to experience this gift and to try to learn how to become like God. I'm so grateful to have been able to grow so much so far. It's a blessing to be able to have this time be a booster in our life's for helping others and preparing for the 2nd coming.

I'm starting to see why they say the summer is the sticky months, haha, you are literally always sweating, even if you just walk outside fora moment.

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